Table 20-  The distribution of the number of employment injury cases of insured
                  persons by the age groups and gender
Yaş Grupları                          Age Groups 2008 2009
Erkek Kadın Toplam Erkek Kadın Toplam    
Male Female Total Male Female Total E K T E K T
-14 1.032 77 1.109 4 1 5 14               14 14448 1078 15526 56 14 70 14
15-17 2.521 415 2.936 304 33 337 15 17               16 40336 6640 46976 4864 528 5392 16
18-24 21.932 1.130 23.062 8.816 908 9.724 18 24               21 460572 23730 484302 185136 19068 204204 21
25-29 15.201 630 15.831 15.451 770 16.221 25 29               27 410427 17010 427437 417177 20790 437967 27
30-34 12.323 549 12.872 12.781 637 13.418 30 34               32 394336 17568 411904 408992 20384 429376 32
35-39 8.871 437 9.308 10.150 551 10.701 35 39               37 328227 16169 344396 375550 20387 395937 37
40-44 5.227 246 5.473 7.676 386 8.062 40 44               42 219534 10332 229866 322392 16212 338604 42
45-49 1.678 84 1.762 3.940 185 4.125 45 49               47 78866 3948 82814 185180 8695 193875 47
50-54 469 20 489 1.183 67 1.250 50 54               52 24388 1040 25428 61516 3484 65000 52
55-59 83 4 87 342 17 359 55 59               57 4731 228 4959 19494 969 20463 57
60-64 27 2 29 76 6 82 60 64               62 1674 124 1798 4712 372 5084 62
65+ 5 0 5 31 1 32 65               65 325 0 325 2015 65 2080 65
Toplam - Total 69.369 3.594 72.963 60.754 3.562 64.316 1977864,0 97867,0 2075731,0 1987084 110968 2098052
AĞIRLIKLI ORT.YAŞ              Weighted average age 29 27 28 33 31 33 29 27 28 33 31 33
Table 21- The cases of occupational diseases  by age groups and gender
Yaş Grupları                          Age Groups 2008 2009
Erkek Kadın Toplam Erkek Kadın Toplam    
Male Female Total Male Female Total E K T E K T
-14 0 0 0 0 0 0 14           14 0 0 0 0 0 0 14
15-17 2 0 2 0 0 0 15 17           16 32 0 32 0 0 0 16
18-24 27 4 31 12 0 12 18 24           21 567 84 651 252 0 252 21
25-29 37 5 42 33 3 36 25 29           27 999 135 1134 891 81 972 27
30-34 32 2 34 46 1 47 30 34           32 1024 64 1088 1472 32 1504 32
35-39 28 2 30 52 0 52 35 39           37 1036 74 1110 1924 0 1924 37
40-44 49 1 50 48 1 49 40 44           42 2058 42 2100 2016 42 2058 42
45-49 58 0 58 40 3 43 45 49           47 2726 0 2726 1880 141 2021 47
50-54 83 0 83 18 0 18 50 54           52 4316 0 4316 936 0 936 52
55-59 67 0 67 44 0 44 55 59           57 3819 0 3819 2508 0 2508 57
60-64 69 0 69 37 0 37 60 64           62 4278 0 4278 2294 0 2294 62
65+ 73 0 73 91 0 91 65           65 4745 0 4745 5915 0 5915 65
Toplam - Total 525 14 539 421 8 429 25600,0 399,0 25999,0 20088 296 20384
AĞIRLIKLI ORT.YAŞ              Weighted average age 49 29 49 48 37 48 49 29 48 48 37 48