The distribution of the number of employment injury
cases of insured persons by the age groups and gender
 Tablo No:20
Yaş Grupları                          Age Groups 2003 2004
Kadın Erkek Toplam Kadın Erkek Toplam
Female Male Total Female Male Total K E T
-14 0 3 3 13 477 490 14           14 182 6678 6860 182 6678 6860 14
15-17     21 199 220 77 442 519 15 17           16 1232 7072 8304 1232 7072 8304 16
18-24     1.458 8.524 9.982 1.492 13.793 15.285 18 24           21 31332 289653 320985 31332 289653 320985 21
25-29     936 18.186 19.122 909 20.036 20.945 25 29           27 24543 540972 565515 24543 540972 565515 27
30-34     684 16.540 17.224 684 17.250 17.934 30 34           32 21888 552000 573888 21888 552000 573888 32
35-39     586 12.683 13.269 546 12.897 13.443 35 39           37 20202 477189 497391 20202 477189 497391 37
40-44     440 10.083 10.523 364 9.562 9.926 40 44           42 15288 401604 416892 15288 401604 416892 42
45-49     213 4.219 4.432 146 3.688 3.834 45 49           47 6862 173336 180198 6862 173336 180198 47
50-54     96 1.275 1.371 73 1.052 1.125 50 54           52 3796 54704 58500 3796 54704 58500 52
55-59     17 370 387 16 226 242 55 59           57 912 12882 13794 912 12882 13794 57
60-64     11 77 88 7 64 71 60 64           62 434 3968 4402 434 3968 4402 62
65+ 2 45 47 0 16 16 65           65 0 1040 1040 0 1040 1040 65
Toplam - Total 4.464 72.204 76.668 4.327 79.503 83.830 126671,0 ######## ######## 126671 2521098 2647769
AĞIRLIKLI ORT.YAŞ              Weighted average age 30 33 33 29 32 32 29,3 31,7 31,6 29 32 32
The distribution of the number of occupational diseases
cases of insured persons by the age groups and gender
Tablo No:21
Yaş Grupları                          Age Groups 2003 2004
Kadın Erkek Toplam Kadın Erkek Toplam    
Female Male Total Female Male Total K E T K E T
-14 0 0 0 0 2 2 14           14 0 0 0 0 28 28 14
15-17     0 0 0 0 0 0 15 17           16 0 0 0 0 0 0 16
18-24     3 4 7 1 11 12 18 24           21 63 84 147 21 231 252 21
25-29     0 14 14 1 36 37 25 29           27 0 378 378 27 972 999 27
30-34     0 33 33 2 39 41 30 34           32 0 1056 1056 64 1248 1312 32
35-39     0 34 34 0 55 55 35 39           37 0 1258 1258 0 2035 2035 37
40-44     0 65 65 0 81 81 40 44           42 0 2730 2730 0 3402 3402 42
45-49     0 74 74 0 54 54 45 49           47 0 3478 3478 0 2538 2538 47
50-54     0 25 25 0 12 12 50 54           52 0 1300 1300 0 624 624 52
55-59     0 26 26 0 23 23 55 59           57 0 1482 1482 0 1311 1311 57
60-64     0 42 42 0 23 23 60 64           62 0 2604 2604 0 1426 1426 62
65+ 0 120 120 0 44 44 65           65 0 7800 7800 0 2860 2860 65
Toplam - Total 3 437 440 4 380 384 63,0 22170,0 22233,0 112 16675 16787
AĞIRLIKLI ORT.YAŞ              Weighted average age 21 51 51 28 44 44 21 51 51 28 44 44